Residential Solutions

Everything You Want in a PV Inverter and Much More

SolarEdge Technologies Inc. is a provider of power optimizer, solar inverter and monitoring solutions for photovoltaic arrays. These products aim to increase energy output through module-level Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT). Established in 2006, the company has offices in the United States, Germany, Italy, Japan and Israel.

Everything you want in a PV inverter


Flexible Design

Module-Level Visibility

Superior Safety

Long Warranties

More Energy

Harvest More Power from Each Module

Increase your profit on every residential installation by selling more modules, with no extra customer acquisition or installation costs. The SolarEdge topology enables efficient use of all available roof space through unprecedented design flexibility, including:

  • Parallel strings of uneven lengths
  • Modules in multiple orientations with different roof facets in a single string
  • Modules in shaded areas
  • Modules of different capacities in a single string, for easy module replacement or future expansion
Homeowner Value
More modules on the roof = More power, more revenue, and more aesthetic rooftops.

Flexible Design

Install More Modules on the Roof

Increase your profit on every residential installation by selling more modules, with no extra customer acquisition or installation costs. The SolarEdge topology enables efficient use of all available roof space through unprecedented design flexibility, including:

  • SolarEdge enables more energy generation from each solar module by mitigating power losses that result from mismatch between modules. Weaker modules do not affect the performance of strong ones. The SolarEdge system is future proofed against potential risks that could cause decrease lifetime energy production.
  • Mismatch sources include module soiling or shading, uneven module aging and module output that can vary by ±3% from manufacturing, enough to result in ~2% energy loss.
Homeowner Value
More power = More revenue for faster system payback, and more savings on their electricity bill.


Creation of a green era

Robust shingled cells and advanced encapsulant are highly resistant to thermal stresses, humidity, and PID

Solar system reduces the CO2 footprint from the earth for every units (kWh) of energy generated. The avoidance of CO2 is a measure for the contribution to climate
protection and thus reduces the greenhouse effect.

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